‘Happiness’ According to Chanakya Pandit

On 20th Oct 1972, lecturing on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.18 in Vrindavana, Srila Prabhupada said this: “Chanakya Pandita says that ‘Who is happy?’ He says, ‘The man who does not go out of home, and who is not a debtor he is happy.’ Very simple thing. Who does not go out of home, and he’s not a debtor, he’s happy. So now we see everyone is out of home, and everyone is a great debtor. So how you can be happy? In America the bank canvasses that ‘You take money, you purchase motorcar, you purchase your house, and, as soon as you get your salary, you give me.’ That’s all. Finished. You take the card… American… What is it called? Am-card? Yes. Syamasundara: BankAmericard. Prabhupada: ‘Bank-card’ or something. ‘Bank-rupt.’