Love has to be Proved

Love has to be proved. In the fourth verse of Rupa Goswami’s Upadesamrta, he emphasizes the revelation of one’s mind and the giving of gifts and prasadam. Srila Prabhupada’s translates the verse thus: “Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one’s mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasada and offering prasada are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another.” In daily affairs, love – between family members, lover and beloved – has to be demonstrated, activated and re-activated, on an everyday basis, if our love is to be accepted as genuine and worthwhile. Even in vani worship, we make offerings to the Lord DAILY: take away such regular offerings and the proof of our love evaporates. Therefore uninterrupted devotional service is the culmination of real love and all knowledge. Contrary to popular belief, statistics by sociologists show that absence does NOT make the ‘heart grow fonder.’ At least, in the material world. But absence of Lord Krsna, coupled with devotional action on the part of the conditioned soul, under the guidance of the Lord’s teachings and His teachers, does increase our love for the Supreme Person, and His love for us.