Although taken from Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, it’s interesting to see that as early on as the Third Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada saw fit to enumerate the twenty-six qualities of a devotee. He wrote about them like this: “He is very kind; he does not quarrel with anyone; he accepts Krishna consciousness as the highest goal of life; he is equal to everyone; no one can find fault in his character; he is magnanimous, mild and always clean, internally and externally; he does not profess to possess anything in this material world; he is a benefactor to all living entities; he is peaceful and is a soul completely surrendered to Krishna; he has no material desire to fulfill; he is meek and humble, always steady, and has conquered the sensual activities; he does not eat more than required to maintain body and soul together; he is never mad after material identity; he is respectful to all others and does not demand respect for himself; he is very grave, very compassionate and very friendly; he is poetic; he is expert in all activities, and he is silent in nonsense.
Qualities of a devotee