The three ‘gods,’ Brahma, Siva and Visnu, are known respectively in today’s Hinduistic studies as the creator, destroyer and Maintainer. Why is the Maintainer more important? Well here’s one reason. Any builder or contractor will tell us that the cost to maintain a building for one year is on the average ten per cent of the building cost. That means that in ten years you will have paid twice the cost of the initial construction. After twenty years you will have paid three times the cost of the original building of the structure, and after thirty years, the costs will amount to four times the cost of creation. This means that after thirty years maintenance costs will amount to three times the initial cost of putting up the building. Maintenance is what I call “the Visnu Factor.” The greater ‘value’ then of the building is in its maintenance. Ergo, the maintainer of a thing is ‘greater” than the creation of a thing, Q.E.D.
The Visnu Factor