In a letter, Srila Prabhupada described those who think ISKCON must be perfect in every aspect like the impersonalists, who think everything will be picture perfect when they merge in oneness with God. When differences of opinion between devotees arise, it is because we are personalists. Srila Prabhupada said in the same letter that there are differences of opinion and transcendental competition even in the spiritual worlds. Excerpts from that letter: “… So we shall not expect that anywhere there is any Utopia. Rather, that is impersonalism. People should not expect that even in the Krsna Consciousness Society there will be Utopia. Because devotees are persons, therefore there will always be some lacking–but the difference is that their lacking, because they have given up everything to serve Krishna–money, jobs, reputation, wealth, big educations, everything–their lackings have become transcendental because, despite everything they may do, their topmost intention is to serve Krishna.” and “Sometimes when one Gopi would serve Krsna very nicely, the others would say, Oh, she has done so nicely, now let me do better for pleasing Krsna. That is envy, but it is transcendental, without malice.”
Utopians are Impersonalists