Lord Caitanya’s mood of separation

Lord Caitanya’s mood of separation is captured by this sentence Srila Prabhupada spoke in Ahmedabad on 13 December 1972: “Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He’s the symbol of Radharani’s maha-bhava. He says that ‘I do not love Krsna. I do not know how to love Krsna.’ Then if you, somebody, if somebody says, ‘Then why You are crying?’ ‘Well, that is a show. I am making a show. I am crying.’ Then what is the symptom? ‘The symptom is that if I would have loved Krsna, then without Him I have died long, long ago. I should have died. I am living still without Krsna; that means I do not love Krsna.’ This is maha-bhagavata-bhava, separation.”