What to Think While Chanting?

Sometimes devotee ask what should they be thinking about or doing or seeing while chanting? Sometimes Mahanidhi Maharaja has asked chanters to put a blanket over their heads. The following is how Srila Prabhupada once answered this question: “Chanting. You simply hear. When you say ‘Hare Krsna,’ you try to hear the very sound, ‘Hare Krsna.’ That’s all. Nothing more. This is meditation. Your tongue and your ear should be engaged in sounding this transcendental vibration, ‘Hare Krsna.’ Best meditation. This is also accepted in Bhagavad-gita: the best meditation. You don’t keep your mind elsewhere. You keep your mind on the chanting. ‘Hare Krishna,’ and hear. So this is responsive. When I was chanting, you were hearing; when you were chanting, I was hearing. So it is exchange. I hear your chanting, you hear my chanting. This is the process. So there is no possibility of thinking anything else. Best and the easiest type of meditation. Fully.