Generous to All

Srila Prabhupada generally gave special attention to influential, highly positioned and wealthy people, and yet he insisted on regular harinam parties. These twin attitudes showed that he understood the importance of preaching to leaders and the intelligent classes, but demanded that preaching to the ‘common’ man should continue uninterrupted. Sometimes his guru was criticized as a sadhu who appeared to pander, on occasion, to the rich and famous (although his personal lifestyle was in many ways most austere). Once, at India’s Ravinshaw College, a student challenged, “You are not udara (liberal). You are sectarian and not generous to all, because you do not mix much with the poor, downtrodden people.” Saraswati Thakura is said to have replied, “Are you udara (generous to all)? If you are you should accept us. Why are you critisizing us?” In other words a truly liberal preacher will not exclude ANY class of human beings, including those who are highly placed.