Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati is known, among other things, for saying ‘daso smin,’ or ‘I am your servant.’ He is reported to have said this even to his disciples. The reciprocation that takes place between Krishna and his devotee or between Krishna’s servants and one another is nicely encapsulated in this excerpt from one of Srila Prabhupada’s Nectar of Devotion lectures in Vrndavana on 23 Oct 1972: “But the spiritual master does not think of himself as Hari. Although he’s offered the respect of Hari, he thinks himself as humble servant of Hari and all others. A spiritual master takes his devo…, disciples as his spiritual master. That is the position. He thinks that “Krsna has sent me so many spiritual masters.” He does not think himself as spiritual master. He thinks himself their servant. Because they have to be trained. Krsna has appointed him to train them. Therefore he thinks himself as servant of the disciples. This is the position. So when one is advanced, he can see the importance of devotees.”
When Master Becomes Servant & Vice Versa