Destiny and Free-will

The issue of destiny versus free-will often invokes questions from devotees. Is everything pre-destined or are we the architects of our destiny? Many verses in sastra explain that worshippers of Lord Krishna transcend destined events. The destined “sufferings” or reduced life spans of devotees are said to not really be negative at all, but blessings which bring one closer – or even faster, to Krishna. Many texts in Vedic literature support this, such as the Brahma Samhita, 5.54, which states: “I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, who burns up to their roots all fruitive activities of those who are imbued with devotion and impartially ordains for each the due enjoyment of the fruits of one’s activities, of all those who walk in the path of work, in accordance with the chain of their previously performed works, no less in the case of the tiny insect that bears the name of indragopa than in that of Indra, king of the devas.” A verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam declares: “My dear Uddhava, just as a blazing fire turns firewood into ashes, similarly, devotion unto Me completely burns to ashes sins committed by My devotees (Srimad Bhagavatam,11.14.19).