Following and Imitating

On the spiritual path, we encounter followers and imitators, and find it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. To follow in the footprints as in “mahajano yena gata sa pantha” is one, thing, imitation is another. Srila Prabhupada once put it this way: “Those who are authorities, if you follow the authorities, then you understand. Dharmasya tattva nihita guhyam. It is very difficult to understand what is religion, what is the process of religion. People are very much puzzled. But if we follow the great personalities… They are also mentioned in the sastras. Svayambhu, Sambhu, Manu, Kumara, Kapila, Manu. So if we follow their footsteps… Just like Arjuna. That, that is, really we understand. “If Arjuna has understood like this, so let me understand like that.” That’s all. Simple thing.” (London 17 August 1973, Bhagavad-gita 2.11). And in his Will, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes, “Many people mistake ‘imitation’ to be ‘following.’ These two words ‘imitation’ and ‘following’ are not the same. To play the role of Narada in a play is ‘imitation’ but to follow the path of devotion, according to Narada Muni is ‘following.'”