George Harrison #3

Something happens when you befriend someone in your early twenties. It’s not just a smile, or hero worship or a handshake. Something magic, something intuitive something wordless, something silently understood just happens. It’s not even admiration for talent and skills. When someone wants to share your life’s most cherished dream, and then stop it being a dream and make it a reality, there is no greater friendship possible, there cannot be. Friendship is of common interest, but, more importantly, of common activity. It’s not just sharing intimate thoughts – OK sure that’s part of it — but acting together, doing daring and active things together is the ultimate kind of friendship. Taking on the whole world’s a task few would dare. But George Harrison dared. George Harrison was a missionary of sorts. He expected things to get better, but in time, in say 10 or 20 years, by changing people’s consciousness, not the political, social, economic, intellectual or legal structures. He had the vision that grass roots movements, rock and roll, Hare Krishna, transcendental meditation, Indian classical music, or whatever, would develop into a ground swell and that it would eventually change the landscape, the lifescape or worldviews, a sea change — whatever you want to call it – for good. It would be a world where doctors could study health instead of disease, where politicians could protect everyone’s life and property and provide full employment, where love and goodness would prevail over hatred and evil, and where beautiful song and dance would continuously pervade every part of life. He ardently wanted to see the consciousness of earth raised to a higher level. That was his mission — to raise the consciousness of the planet. That was his legacy, and that’s what we all have to carry on. He didn’t want only himself and his inner circle to benefit, he wanted everyone to benefit, to see that bad and good could be overcome by transcendental consciousness. George, for all time, in this world and the next, I’m stuck on you (The George Harrison song entitled “I’m Stuck on You” charted to number one worldwide in the eighties).