Even Helpers Get Benefits

We’ve heard it said that there is great benefit for anyone who appreciates Krsna, devotee or otherwise. This notion is given credence in Srimad Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto, Chapter sixty-nine, translation and purport to text number forty-five: “Lord Hari is the ultimate cause of universal creation, maintenance and destruction. My dear King [Sukadeva Gosvami speaking], anyone who chants about, hears about or simply appreciates the extraordinary activities He performed in this world, which are impossible to imitate, will surelydevelop devotion for the Supreme Lord, the bestower of liberation.” Purport by Srila Prabhupada’s followers: “Srila Prabhupada further points out that the word anumodate here indicates that one who “supports a preacher of the Krsna consciousness movement” will also receive the benefits mentioned here.”