I, my and mine

The “I” and “Mine” topic comes up again and again in our preaching and in Srila Prabhupada’s writings and lectures. Some things, it seems, can’t be emphasized enough. We have heard that if something is said three times, that is has extra powerful prominence. Here is an excerpt from a lecture I discovered in which Srila Prabhupada says “I” and “my” many times: The foolish conditioned souls are absorbed in two things: “I am,” and “mine.” “It is my, it is I am.” “I am the lord of all I survey,” or “This is my country, this is my society, this is my body, this is my son, this is my children, this is my home.” This is…, this is the absorption. Although nothing belongs to him-in a moment’s notice everything finished-but still he’s so much vikatthante. “O my society, my country, my father, my mother.” So many, “Mine, mine.” Nothing belongs to him, but he says always, “Mine, mine.” “My” and “I.” This is maya.’