Here’s an exchange that took place in Los Angeles on January 8, 1968, after Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Caitanya Caritamrta: Guest: I have a question. I was wondering why Krsna is always portrayed as being blue. Prabhupada: Why the sky is blue? Can you explain? Guest: Because the sky is blue? Prabhupada: Yes, why the sky is blue? First of all, you try to explain this. This you are seeing every day. Can you explain? You don’t? You cannot? Sky is blue! That’s all! Therefore it is blue. Krsa is blue! Therefore He’s blue. Guest: But His consort, His consort is not blue. Prabhupada: Sky is the reflection of Krsna’s bodily effulgence; therefore it is blue.
Why is the Sky Blue?