The “Krishna factor” is another name for the unknown. Most people tend to accept that each day will be like the one before: the lights will go on when we trip the switch, we’ll sleep, rise, start our day, and most things will work. Predictably we’ll shuttle off someplace expecting to see and hear certain things, and we’ll set our goals for statuses we think are achievable in life. But the wonder and mystery of the unknown, the inevitable future, is no more predictable than the workings of karma. We COULD die next week, there COULD be nuclear war, earthquakes, or global financial collapse. Disruption and the unpredictable will always be with us in the material world. Srila Prabhupada told one devotee to ‘plan as if you’re going to live till your mid-80’s, but know that you could die tomorrow.’
Among Knowable Things I am the Unknown