“We’re Going to Mars”

In the face of a new proclamation by US President George Bush, that his country will “go to Mars” (apparently having abandoned the Moon excursions), Srila Prabhupada often appealed to the public, that the US could have used the money more humanely to irrigate deserts and thus feed millions of people. On a morning walk he said: “You cannot do anything. Water is here, so much water. Why don’t you make this sand fertile by bringing this water? Fertilization made by supplying water in the desert. So here is water, here is desert. Why don’t you do it? You cannot do anything. They are going to the moon planet, the dusty planet, to make it fertilized. Why don’t you do here? Sahara desert, Arabian desert, or Rajasthan desert. And the sea water is there. Bring it, and make it fertile, fertilize.”