In a discussion with Syamasundara, Srila Prabhupada said this about miracles: “Because in the yoga-siddhi you can make anything lighter than this cotton. So Krsna is Yogesvara. So by His yogic power He made the whole hill as a cotton swab. That is yogic principle. But for a layman, for a human being, he has to practice this yoga for millions of years; then he comes to perfection. But Krsna is Yogesvara. By His will, immediately it is done. It is not a miracle. It is turning the whole thing. Just like Krsna is floating so many big big planets in the air. These modern scientists can say all nonsense, but it is miracle, it is miracle to them. But to Krsna it is not. Krsna has got such a sankarsana. He has got some power, Yogesvara. He can do that.”