In the sixties, a Burt Bacharach song became extremely popular. It was called “Love, Sweet Love.” The lyrics started out something like this: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” One could, however, argue that gratitude, even more than compassion, is the emotional element most lacking in human society today. Rupa Goswami writes in Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu: “Any person who is conscious of his friend’s beneficent activities and never forgets his service is called grateful. In the Mahabharata, Krsna says, “When I was away from Draupadi, she cried with the words, ‘He Govinda!’ This call for Me has put Me in her debt, and that indebtedness is gradually increasing in My heart!” This statement by Krsna gives evidence of how one can please the Supreme Lord simply by addressing Him, “He Krsna! He Govinda!” Rupa Goswami also writes that one of the Lord’s 64 qualities is ‘grateful.'” (Nectar of Devotion)