Who Are the Aryans?

After more than 200 years of intensive scholarship, there is no academic consensus as to where the Aryan race originated. Some say India, some say southern Russia, some say Afghanistan, some say Pakistan, some say Germany, and some say Scandanavia. One thing Srila Prabhpada said is this: “The Europeans, they were also Aryan family, and Indians, the Arabians, Persians, they were all Aryan family. And the Americans they also migrated from Europe. They are also Aryans. But that is familywise. But actually Aryan means one who is advanced in civilization. That is Aryan. Therefore when Krsna chastised Arjuna, He addressed him, non-Aryan.'You are not talking like Aryan.’ Anarya justam. `You are talking like non-Aryan.’ ” (from a Morning Walk, November 21, 1975, in Mumbai)