“Just like sometimes we take pleasure in a swimming pool, lie down and closing our eyes. Who expert swimmer, they’re lying down. Why it is not possible for the Supreme Lord? What is the difficulty? Sukhanubhavah. We take that pastime for pleasure, for pleasure, lying down on the water, closing eyes. So when we speak, The Garbhodakasayi Visnu lying down in the Causal Ocean,' these rascals, fools, they sometimes criticize,
And how it is possible?’ How it is not possible? If a ordinary man can take pleasure lying down on the water, closing and lying for hours-we have seen it-so what is the difficulty for the Supreme Lord? You have got this tendency to lie down on water, half on the water, and close your eyes. So where your tendency has come? Your tendency has come because the same tendency is there in the Supreme Lord. This is the explanation.” (Extract from a Mayapur lecture on March 10, 1976)
Krishna is Like An “Expert Swimmer”