In November 1972, Srila Prabhupada said there was no shortage of space to grow food for the entire planet. Here’s what he said: “We are creating disturbances. By God’s creation, everything is nice. Everything is fine. Take, for example, within this planet, there is sufficient place to grow food for all the population. Not only all the population at the present moment, but if the population increases ten times, twenty times, still, there is sufficient place to produce food for them. We are traveling all over the world three times a year, and we see in Australia and Africa and other countries, there are so much vacant places. And food can be produced, enough food can be produced. Enough milk can be available for feeding all this population. That is God’s arrangement. But the difficulty is that we are quarreling amongst ourself. I am thinking Indian. Somebody’s thinking “I am an American.” Somebody’s thinking “I’m Australian.” “You cannot come here. You, I cannot allow you to come to my country.” The immigration department. Therefore, the difficulty. By God’s arrangement, there is everything complete. But I am disturbing. I am encroaching upon God’s property: “This is mine.” Therefore there is disturbance. Therefore the only solution of the whole world problem is Krsna consciousness. There is no other solution. The only solution. Krsna consciousness means when people will be educated to understand that this planet does not belong to America or India and Africa. Everything belongs… Sarva-loka-mahesvaram. As Krsna says, `I am the proprietor of all the planets.’ When you understand this, that is Krsna consciousness. Then there will be peace.”
Population Outstrips Food Supply?